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Agent Referral Policy

1. You have to register by Agent signup page or referral link of your sponsor (senior).
2. Mobile number must be valid.
3. After registration login your account.
4. Update your Paytm number, UPI id like Bhim, Phone pe, Google pay and Bank account number with IFSC code.
5. Now, you need to spend Rs. 1200/- for purchasing advertising package.
6. Joined your friends and get income while you Help Them.
7. No limit for Direct Referring.

Level Agents Commission Income Total Income Time
1 3 40 120 120 1 Month
2 9 40 360 480 2 Month
3 27 40 1080 1560 3 Month
4 81 40 3240 4800 4 Month
5 243 40 9720 14520 5 Month
6 729 40 29160 43680 6 Month
7 2187 40 87480 131160 7 Month
8 6561 40 262440 393600 8 Month
9 19683 40 787320 1180920 9 Month
10 59049 40 2361960 3542880 10 Month
Total Income 35 Lac's