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Slimming Center in Delhi

Contact No. : 7428502910
Address : Sector-12, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Contact Person: carvers
Website: https://carvers.in/


Welcome to Slimming Center in Delhi

Carvers provides numerous weight-loss and wellness services which are administered by a dedicated team who are thoroughly trained in their field. Carvers specializes in most advanced weight loss and fat loss procedures I like, CRYOLYPOSIS or COOL Carving , CAVI LIPO and R F Body toning and shaping , with all conventional procedures like Electro Lipolysis, Tucks and wraps , weight loss massages , deep cellulite therapies , Ayurvedic and herbal treatment among other weight loss and body shaping services..

What sets Carvers apart is the drive to educate and encourage people to develop a healthy relationship with their bodies. The emphasis is towards propagating ideas of healthy eating, delivering the right nutrients to the body to allow it to function at its optimum level. Carvers strongly discourage fad diets that favor starvation and make people treat food as their enemy. If a person stays on a restrictive calorie diet for too long, body automatically switch into ‘conservation phase’ and the hormones go for a toss. The metabolism slows down and the body starts conserving greater energy. It effectively means that the body would be burning lesser calories than usual. When the restrictive calorie phase is over, the sudden influx of more calories causes the body to horde fat and hence the weight rebounds. Keeping the weight off is tougher than losing weight, more and more people regain much of the weight lost because either they went on a very low calorie diet or they stayed on the lower calories for far too long and hence damaged their metabolism.Carvers does not promote the diet that impair the metabolism .


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